Stavrinou P,  Kalyvas A, Grau S, Hamisch C, Galldiks N, Katsigiannis S, Kabbasch C, Timmer M, Goldbrunner R, Stranjalis G. Survival effects of a strategy favoring second-line multimodal treatment compared to supportive care in glioblastoma patients at first progression. J Neurosurg. J Neurosurg. 2018 Nov 1:1-6.

-Goldbrunner R, Weller M, Regis J, Lund-Johansen M, Stavrinou P, Reuss D, Evans DG, Lefranc F, Sallabanda K, Falini A, Axon P, Sterkers O, Fariselli L, Wick W, Tonn JC

EANO Guideline on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Vestibular Schwannoma. Neuro Oncol. 2019 Aug 28

– Goldbrunner R, Minniti G, Preusser M, Jenkinson MD, Sallabanda K, Houdart E, von Deimling A, Stavrinou P, Lefranc F, Lund-Johansen M, Moyal EC, Brandsma D, Henriksson R, Soffietti R, Weller M. EANO guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of meningiomas. Lancet Oncol. 2016 Sep;17(9):e383-91.

Stavrinou P, Plambeck L, Proescholdt M, Ghadimi M, Goldbrunner R, Grau S

Brain metastases from esophageal cancer: A retrospective analysis of the outcome after surgical resection followed by radiotherapy. Medicine (Baltimore). 2019 Aug;98(34):e16653

 Stavrinou P, Katsigiannis S, Lee JH, Hamisch C, Krischek B, Mpotsaris A, Timmer M, Goldbrunner R. Risk factors for chronic subdural hematoma recurrence identified using quantitative computed tomography analysis of hematoma volume and density. World Neurosurg. 2017  Mar;99:465-470

–  Katsigiannis S, Hamisch C, Krischek B, Timmer M, Mpotsaris A, Goldbrunner R, Stavrinou P. Independent predictors for functional outcome after drainage of chronic subdural hematoma identified using a logistic regression model. J Neurosurg Sci. 2017  Jul.

Stavrinou P, Härtl R, Krischek B, Kabbasch C, Mpotsaris A, Goldbrunner R. Navigated transtubular extraforaminal decompression of the L5 root at the lumbosacral junction : clinical data, radiographic features and outcome analysis. Biomed Res Int. 2016 Apr.

 Stavrinou P, Bergmann J, Palkowiz S, Goldbrunner R, Rieger B. Identifying risk factors and proposing a risk-profile scoring scale for perioperative complications in carotid endarterectomies. Neurosurg Sci. 2016 Mar;60(1):11-7.

 Stavrinou P, Mavrogiorgou MC, Polyzoidis S, Kreft-Kerekes V, Timmer M, Marselos M, Pappas P. Expression profiles of genes related to drug metabolism in human brain tumors. PLoS One. 2015 Nov.

 Stavrinou P, Kunz M, Lehner M, Heger A, Müller-Felber W, Tonn JC, Peraud A. Children with tethered cord syndrome of different etiology benefit from microsurgery – a single institution experience. Childs Nerv Syst. 2011 May;27(5):803-10.

– Katsigiannis S, Krischek B, Barleanu S, Grau S, Galldiks N, Timmer M, Kabbasch C, Goldbrunner R, Stavrinou P. Impact of time to initiation of radiotherapy on survival after resection of newly diagnosed glioblastoma.Radiat Oncol. 2019 Apr 29;14(1):73.

– Kauke M, Safi AF, Stavrinou P, Krischek B, Goldbrunner R, Timmer M

Does meningioma volume correlate with clinical disease manifestation irrespective of histopathologic tumor grade? J Craniofac Surg. 2019 Nov-Dec;30(8):e799-802

– Goertz L, Speier J, Schulte AP, Stavrinou P, Krischek B, Goldbrunner R, Timmer M. Independent risk factors for postoperative seizures in chronic subdural hematoma identified by multiple logistic regression analysis. World Neurosurg. 2019 Aug 14

– Goertz L, Dorn F, Siebert E, Herzberg M, Borggrefe J, Schlamann M, Krischek B, Stavrinou P, Mpotsaris A, Bohner G, Liebig T, Kabbasch C. Safety and efficacy of the Neuroform Atlas for stent-assisted coiling of intracranial aneurysms: A multicenter experience. J Clin Neurosci. 2019 Jul 19.

– Goertz L, Hof M, Timmer M, Schulte AP, Kabbasch C, Krischek B, Stavrinou P, Reiner M, Goldbrunner R, Brinker G Application of intraoperative FLOW 800 ICG videoangiography colour coded maps for microsurgical clipping of intracranial aneurysms. World Neurosurg. 2019 Jul 19

– Werner JM, Kuhl S, Ulrich K, Krischek B, Stavrinou P, Goldbrunner R, Timmer M.

Expression of CD40 Correlates Negatively with Overall and Progression-Free Survival of Low- and High-Grade Gliomas. World Neurosurg. 2019 May 21

– Stegmann S, Werner JM, Kuhl S, Röhn G, Krischek B, Stavrinou P, Goldbrunner R, Timmer M. Death Receptor 6 (DR6) Is Overexpressed in Astrocytomas.

Anticancer Res. 2019 May;39(5):2299-2306.

– Goertz L, Hamisch C, Kabbasch C, Borggrefe J, Hof M, Dempfle AK, Lenschow M, Stavrinou P, Timmer M, Brinker G, Goldbrunner R, Krischek B. Impact of aneurysm shape and neck configuration on cerebral infarction during microsurgical clipping of intracranial aneurysms. J Neurosurg. 2019 Apr 12:1-9

– Tjiong R, Stavrinou P, Röhn G, Krischek B, Koch A, Goldbrunner R, Timmer M.

Heterogeneity of Human Gliomas: Glutathione-S-Transferase Expression Profile During Disease Progression and Under Systemic Therapy. Anticancer Res. 2019 Apr;39(4):1795-1805.

– Perrech M, Dreher L, Röhn G, Stavrinou P, Krischek B, Toliat M, Goldbrunner R, Timmer M. Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of IDH1 Mutation in Progressive Gliomas by Allele-Specific qPCR and Western Blot Analysis.

Technol Cancer Res Treat. 2019 Jan 1;18:

– Goertz L, Brinker G, Hamisch C, Kabbasch C, Borggrefe J, Hof M, Timmer M, Stavrinou P, Goldbrunner R, Krischek B. Elective Treatment of Additional and Recurrent Aneurysms in Patients with a Previous Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Single-Center Analysis of Complications and Clinical Outcome. World Neurosurg. 2019 Feb 19

– Timmer M, Seibl-Leven M, Wittenstein K, Grau S, Stavrinou P, Röhn G, Krischek B, Goldbrunner R. Long-Term Outcome and Health-Related Quality of Life of Elderly Patients After Meningioma Surgery. World Neurosurg. 2019

– Kabbasch C, Goertz L, Siebert E, Herzberg M, Borggrefe J, Krischek B, Stavrinou P, Dorn F, Liebig T. WEB embolization versus stent-assisted coiling: comparison of complication rates and angiographic outcomes. J Neurointerv Surg. 2019 Aug;11(8):812-816

–  Lohmann P, Stavrinou P, Lipke K, Bauer EK, Ceccon G, Werner JM, Fink GR, Shah NJ, Langen KL, Galldiks N. Volumetric evaluation of FET uptake and MRI contrast enhancement in newly diagnosed glioblastoma prior to treatment.

Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2019 Mar;46(3):591-602

– Röhn G, Koch A, Krischek B, Stavrinou P, Goldbrunner R, Timmer M

ACTB and SDHA are suitable endogenous reference genes for gene expression studies in human astrocytomas using quantitative RT-PCR. Technol Cancer Res Treat. Sept 2018

–  Goertz L, Hamisch C, Telentschak S,  Kabbasch C, Borggrefe J, von Spreckelsen N, Stavrinou P, Timmer M, Goldbrunner R, Brinker G, Krischek B. Preoperative three-dimensional angiography reduces ischemic complications during clipping of ruptured intracranial aneurysms. World Neurosurg. 2018 Sep.

– Goertz L, Kasuya H, Hamisch C, Kabbasch C, Von Spreckelsen N, Ludyga D, Timmer M, Stavrinou P, Goldbrunner R, Krischek B. Impact of aneurysm shape on morbidity after clipping of unruptured intracranial aneurysms. Acta Neurochirurg. Sept 2018.

Goertz L, Hamisch C, Telentschak S, Kabbasch C, von Spreckelsen N, Stavrinou P, Timmer M, Goldbrunner R, Brinker G, Krischek B. Impact of Aneurysm Shape on Intraoperative Rupture During Clipping of Ruptured Intracranial Aneurysms. World Neurosurg. 2018 Jul 18

– Perkuhn M, Stavrinou P, Thiele F, Shakirin G, Mohan M, Garmpis D, Kabbasch C, Borggrefe J. Clinical evaluation of a parametric deep learning model for glioblastoma segmentation using heterogeneous magnetic resonance imaging data from clinical routine. J Invest Radiol. 2018 Sep;13(2):144.

– Maus V, Mpotsaris A, Borggrefe J, Abdullayev N, Liebig T, Dorn F, Stavrinou P, Chang DH, Kabbasch C. Treatment of intracranial aneurysms with the pipeline embolization Device only: a single center experience. Neurointervention. 2018 Sep;13(2):144.

– Maus V, Mpotsaris A, Dorn F, Möhlenbruch M, Borggrefe J, Stavrinou P, Abdullayev N, Barnikol UB, Liebig T, Kabbasch C. The use of flow-diverter in ruptured, dissecting intracranial aneurysms of the posterior circulation. World Neurosurg. 2018 Mar;111.

– Werner JM, Kuhl S, Stavrinou P, Röhn G, Krischek B, Blau T, Goldbrunner R, Timmer M. Expression of FAS-L Differs from Primary to Relapsed Low-grade Gliomas and Predicts Progression-free Survival. Anticancer Res. 2017 Dec;37(12):6639-6648.

– Timmer M, Werner JM, Röhn G, Ortmann M, Blau T, Cramer C, Stavrinou P, Krischek B, Mallman P, Goldbrunner R. Discordance and Conversion Rates of Progesterone-, Estrogen-, and HER2/neu-Receptor Status in Primary Breast Cancer and Brain Metastasis Mainly Triggered by Hormone Therapy.

Anticancer Res. 2017 Sep;37(9):4859-4865.

 – Kabbasch C, Mpotsaris A, Behme D, Dorn F, Stavrinou P, Liebig T. Pipeline Embolization Device for Treatment of Intracranial Aneurysms-The More, the Better? A Single-center Retrospective Observational Study.  J Vasc Interv Neurol. 2016 Oct;9(2):14-20.

– Stavrinou LC, Kalamatianos T, Stavrinou P, Papasilekas T, Psachoulia C, Tzavara C, Stranjalis G. Serum levels of S-100B after recreational scuba diving. Int J Sports Med. 2011 Dec;32(12):912-5.

-Tseretopoulou X, Stratou A, Stavrinou P, Souretis G, Dimoliatis I.D.K. Students do not consider all subjects to be equally relevant. Α method for quantifying relevance; implications for curriculum timetabling, teaching and learning, and student assessment of teachers. Arch Hell Med. 2011 Mar;28(2):227-233.

– Boviatsis EJ, Stavrinou LC, Kouyialis AT, Gavra MM, Stavrinou P, Themistokleous M, Selviaridis P, Sakas DE. Spinal synovial cysts: pathogenesis, diagnosis  and surgical treatment in a series of seven cases and literature review. Eur Spine J. 2008 Jun;17(6):831-7

– Zheng F, Dong Y, Xia P, Mpotsaris A, Stavrinou P, Brinker G, Goldbrunner R, Krischek B. Is  clipping  better  than  coiling  in the treatment of  patients  with oculomotor nerve  palsies induced by posterior communicating artery aneurysms? A systematic review and meta- analysis. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2017 Feb;153:20-26.

–  Zheng F, Xu H, von Spreckelsen N, Stavrinou P, Timmer M, Goldbrunner R, Cao F, Ran Q, Li G, Fan R, Zhang Q, Chen W, Yao S, Krischek B. Early or late cranioplasty following decompressive craniotomy for traumatic brain injury: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Int Med Res. 2018 Jan 1.

– Zheng F, Spreckelsen NV, Zhang X, Stavrinou P, Timmer M, Dohmen C, Goldbrunner R, Cao F, Zhang Q, Ran Q, Li G, Fan R, Yao S, Krischek B. Should preventive antibiotics be used in patients with acute stroke? A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.

PLoS One. 2017 Oct 19;12(10).

–  Hamisch CA, Mpotsaris A, Timmer M, Reiner M, Stavrinou P, Brinker G, Goldbrunner R, Krischek B. Interdisciplinary Treatment of Intracranial Infectious Aneurysms. Cerebrovasc Dis. 2016;42(5-6):493-505.

–  Lourbopoulos A, Ioannidis P, Balogiannis I, Stavrinou P, Koletsa T, Karacostas D. Cervical epidural plasmacytoma presenting as ascending paraparesis. Spine J. 2011 May;11(5).

–  Potsi M, Stavrinou P, Patsinakidis N, Hatzibougias D, Foroglou N, Karayanopoulou G, Kalogera-Founzila A. Primary osseous leiomyosarcoma of the spine: a rare entity-case report and review of the literature. J Neurol Surg A Cent Eur Neurosurg. 2012 Aug;73(4):238-42.

–  Stavrinou LC, Stranjalis G, Stavrinou  P, Bontozoglou N, Sakas DE. Extracranial vertebral artery aneurysm presenting as a chronic cervical mass lesion.  Case Rep Med. 2010;2010:938219.

–  Stavrinou  P,  Magras  I, Stavrinou  LC,  Zaraboukas  T,  Polyzoidis  KS, Selviaridis  P. Primary  extracerebral  meningeal  glioblastoma:  clinical and pathological  analysis. Cent Eur Neurosurg. 2010 Feb;71(1):46-9.

  1. Stavrinou P, Foroglou N, Patsalas I, Selviaridis P. Trigeminocardiac reflex and ipsilateral mydriasis during stereotactic brain tumor biopsy: an insight into the anatomical and physiological pathways involved. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2010 Apr;152(4):727-8. (IF 1,93)

–  Stavrinou P, Spiliotopoulos A, Patsalas I, Balogiannis I, Karkavelas G, Polyzoidis K, Selviaridis P. Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma with intratumoral hemorrhage in the absence of tuberous sclerosis. J Clin Neurosci. 2008 Jun;15(6):704-6.

–  Salemis NS, Karameris A, Gourgiotis S, Stavrinou P, Nazos K, Vlastarakos P, Tsiambas E, Tsohataridis E. Large intraparotid facial nerve schwannoma: case report and review of the literature.  Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2008 Jul;37(7):679-81.

–  Salemis NS, Nisotakis K, Nazos K, Stavrinou P, Tsohataridis E. Perforated appendix and periappendicular abscess within an inguinal hernia. Hernia. 2006 Dec;10(6):528-30.